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    Quality Disability, Medical,
    Mobility, Aged, Paediatric
    and Adaptive Aids

    Terms & Conditions


    Prices are in US Dollars for our US and Canadian customers, and in GBP for our UK customers.

    Important Notice to Purchaser

    Pelican’s product instructions are made in lieu of all warranties, expressed or implied. Seller’s and Manufacturer’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the product proved to be defective. Any written or verbal instructions, including Pelican’s Instruction Sheets and Demonstration Videos, are only a guide, as Trainers may alter our advice for individual Carers or Patients. Neither Seller nor Manufacturer shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the inability to use this product. Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the product for the intended use, and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. No statement or recommendation not contained herein shall have any force or affect unless in an agreement signed by officers of Seller and Manufacturer. All Pelican Manufacturing Pty Ltd products are designed to assist Nurses and Patients. The Patient’s nursing care should never be neglected, and when Pelican products are in use, continual assessment should be carried out to ensure the products are still appropriate for the patient’s condition. Regular maintenance inspection is necessary, and damaged items should be withdrawn from use until rectified. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Western Australia and the parties agree they consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Western Australia. ROT Clause applies.

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